2020's Word of the Year

2020 word of the year- Release
Release control of what I can't control. Release worry. Release fear. Release...

Wednesday, April 19

What is Plexus and Why Do I Encourage People To Try It?

What is Plexus? I get asked this all of the time. Plexus is a health and wellness company that focuses on getting your body healthy from the inside out with plant based products. I usually recommend starting on the TriPlex combo but am now adding X Factor. Plexus TriPlex helps remove harmful substances from your body, replenishes the gut, and rebalances your body. X Factor is our wonderful multivitamin with Aloe. I just listened to a naturopath share her experience with XFactor and am ordering some ASAP for my youngest son. Here is the link to her story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJHiRMUaW4E&app=desktop

Why do I think you should try it? Do you feel tired? Are you sick to your stomach often? Hurt everywhere? Feel like you're missing out in life because you just don't feel good? Do you just want to feel better so you can participate in life more fully?  I was all of those things and after about three months using Plexus I started to feel better. I've been using it almost two years now and I feel better than I did when I was 30. I think that's pretty good since I just turned 54!

It is amazing what can happen when you have a healthy gut!

 #plexus #natural #plantbased

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