2020's Word of the Year

2020 word of the year- Release
Release control of what I can't control. Release worry. Release fear. Release...

Tuesday, September 5

August Wrap Up- part 2

 After we got back from our vacation we started a new adventure. After four years of homeschool the boys went back to school. They have three weeks under their belt. There have been some adjustments.
Preston is in 8th grade and it's a lot for him to remember. He's used to working on a subject until he finishes and bells interrupting him have been a trial. He is having to learn to organize his time better and not to be afraid to ask questions if he doesn't understand. He is is also easily distracted. Since I am the same way I can totally understand how hard this is for him. I am sure he will find his way but until he gets there it's been painful. There have been tears of frustration and feelings of incompetence but he is actually liking school and some of his classes he really likes.
Alex on the other hand is finding it an easy adjustment so I am hoping and praying that this continues. One day a week he gets to go to the high school and they do life skills. He is also in band and is finding that exciting.
Mom is struggling a bit too, not to be too involved. I'm trying to find a balance between interested and not pushy. Any tips would be fantastic~

First day of school 2017
6th and 8th grade

Hubby and I on eclipse day. We spent it canning green beans, grape juice and tomatoes. 

Lunch alone at a newer restaurant

 Preston decided to go out for cross country. I thought it might be good for him to find a way to relieve stress after a day of school. He seems to really be enjoying it. He had his first meet last week and ended up 32nd. I thought that was a decent showing for a newbie runner.

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