2020's Word of the Year

2020 word of the year- Release
Release control of what I can't control. Release worry. Release fear. Release...

Monday, July 9

Summer Days

This has to be one of the hardest summers I ever remember.

We just finished up a two week period where the heat reached 100 or above every day. According to the weather service this is the driest year in history. We have had less then 4 inches of precipitation for the entire year. When you live in a farming and ranching community this is not the kind of news you like to hear.

My garden has done poorly this year, I lost some plants and had to start over. Things just don't seem to be thriving as they should. All except for the tomatoes. I may have tomatoes earlier than ever before. I did pick green beans on the 4th of July, a first for me.

I have always been the kind of mom who made their kids play outside in the summer. If it's hot I encourage them to play quiet games in the shade or if it gets really hot they will run through the sprinkler. This year I gave in and we have either been at the pool or in the air conditioned house most of the day. By the way I have been extremely thankful for a house that has central air.

The past few days have been cooler and it has been such a nice reprieve. I intend to enjoy every minute of it and make use of the cooler weather to catch up on some weed pulling! I live such an exciting life. (smile)

1 comment:

Heather Ann Gill said...

Kids outside and summer just go together!!!!